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Gateway 2 Approvals: The importance of robust design


21st January • 2025


21st January • 2025

The shockwaves by the Building Safety Act will continue to have an impact on façade design. 

Much of 2024 was spent working with client teams understanding how to produce robust Gateway 2 applications.  The timescales for Gateway 2 approvals have been well documented however we are thankfully now starting to see approvals trickle through and provide reassurance we are on the right track and providing what the Building Safety Regulator is expecting to see. 

The focus now will be on the construction phase with a collaborative effort required by all stakeholders to ensure the inevitable changes, particularly with work to existing buildings, are dealt with as part of a robust change control procedure.  There may be pressure to expediate construction programmes, particularly due to the delays caused by the Gateway 2 process, however it is important corners are not cut and site issues overlooked if we are to increase the safety of our buildings.  As designers we can help to mitigate potential construction phase delays by including pre-approved remedial designs as part of the initial application.

Away from the Building Safety Act, sustainable building design also brings about its own challenges, with innovative designs required to ensure carbon targets are met.  The performance requirements for the external envelope are becoming ever more stringent and good design is required to ensure interfaces can perform as required, material efficiency is considered and challenges associated with introducing a modern skin to an existing steel or concrete frame are overcome.    

“As designers we can help to mitigate potential construction phase delays by including pre-approved remedial designs as part of the initial application.”

Mark Voss

Design Operations Manager (Associate Director)

For your project requirements, please contact us.