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Stonebridge 10


  • Developer: Client Durkan Ltd
  • Location: London


  • Design Review
  • Detailed Design

Stonebridge 10


  • Developer: Client Durkan Ltd
  • Location: London


  • Design Review
  • Detailed Design

The developments required the diversion of a canal feeder to allow the construction of 117 residential dwellings.

The buildings consisted of a 9 storey R.C. rotunda block, four 3 storey R.C. villa blocks and a row of 12 terrace houses.  The blocks were supported on a R.C. podium deck over an R.C. underground carpark.

The surface water runoff from the site had a restricted outfall and utilised SuDS techniques such as permeable paving  to attenuate and clean the water of silts and hydrocarbons.