Façade Engineer (Quality Director)

Façade Engineer (Quality Director)
James is a Director at Wintech, with a diverse range of responsibilities including the Quality (ISO 9001) and Environmental (ISO 14001) Management system. He has more than 20 years experience in Façade Engineering and brings a unique level of expertise to the Consultancy Team in terms of performance engineering and modes of failure from his time spent at the group’s former testing laboratory (Wintech Engineering). James also holds a Master’s Degree in Façade Engineering from the University of Bath and is a Fellow of the Society of Façade Engineering within C.I.B.S.E.
Due to his unique technical pedigree and qualifications James is also regularly instructed to investigate latent defects regarding design and workmanship issues on existing façades. He has a wide range of experience throughout the country being involved in major residential, commercial and healthcare projects.