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Your Opportunity

The Wintech Scholarship is now open for applications and aims to support a low-income student. The Scholarship provides additional funding for those students that need it most, assisting aspiring Façade Engineers in accessing the education, skills and scientific and engineering knowledge required to enter the field.

Wintech will offer a successful candidate the opportunity to gain valuable work experience on live projects in an established Façade Consultancy.

About the Scholarship

One scholarship is available to a student studying the MSc Façade Engineering programme (25/26 entry). The successful scholar will demonstrate their exceptional academic or work-based achievements and their commitment to Façade Engineering.  This is a unique course, working closely with CWCT and designed specifically for the industry. The successful scholar will be awarded £13,250, paid in three termly instalments.


You can apply if you meet the following criteria:

  • You must be studying the MSc Façade Engineering Programme full-time. 
  • You must have been accepted on to the MSc Façade Engineering Programme at UWE Bristol starting in 2025/26.
  • You must be a home (UK) student.

Application Process

Applications will be judged by a panel comprising of the Programme Leader of MSc Façade Engineering (or their nominee) the Head of Alumni Engagement and Development (or their nominee) and the Managing Director of the Wintech Group (or their nominee). Applications will be anonymised. The panel’s decision is final. 

How to Apply

For more information, visit the University of West England’s course page here, or to contact directly please email [email protected]