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Union Square


  • Architect: DLA Architecture
  • Developer: Abodus
  • Location: Newcastle
  • Status: Completed


  • Full Design Service
  • Thermal Modelling

Union Square


  • Architect: DLA Architecture
  • Developer: Abodus
  • Location: Newcastle
  • Status: Completed


  • Full Design Service
  • Thermal Modelling

We are delighted to share that we have completed the full working design for façade remediation to Union Square in Newcastle, alongside project managers Callidas and student accommodation developer, Abodus. This is a landmark project, being our first approved Gateway 2 application where a full design service has been provided. Gateway 2 Approval from the Building Safety Regulator was granted at the end of 2024. Wintech provided full façade design and consultancy, fire engineering and MEP services.

The scope of the project involves the replacement of masonry, rainscreen, EWI and body insulated panel façades, demonstrating an improved energy performance certificate (EPC) rating, and the introduction of new passive fire measures. The remedial works will create a safe building and provide much needed student accommodation in Newcastle Upon Tyne in what was previously an unoccupied building due to a lack of fire safety.

Working closely alongside project managers Callidas, DLA Architecture and BSA Consultant Sweco, Wintech have been at the forefront of understanding the requirements of the Building Safety Act and have embraced the changes brought about by the new regime. Collaborating with the client team, principal designer and a specialist façade principal contractor, challenges were met head on and a successful application was produced. The steep learning curve will continue for all with the focus now on site works and maintaining a robust Golden Thread of information throughout the construction phase required for Gateway 3.

To assess the EPC rating, thermal modelling of the whole building was conducted and an environmental report produced. This included recommendations for possible building engineering services enhancements to reduce CO2 emissions towards zero. Our fire engineering team provided a key role on Union Square; their application of a proportionate appraisal of the fire risks for the remediation works enabled retention of materials, making this an efficient and cost-effective design.