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The Lyng Centre for Health and Social Care


  • Location: West Bromwich
  • Status: Completed


  • Concept Design
  • Detailed Design
  • EPC
  • Mechanical & Electrical
  • Specification Writing
  • Thermal Modelling

The Lyng Centre for Health and Social Care


  • Location: West Bromwich
  • Status: Completed


  • Concept Design
  • Detailed Design
  • EPC
  • Mechanical & Electrical
  • Specification Writing
  • Thermal Modelling

Located in the heart of the West Midlands, the Lyng Centre for Health and Social Care is not only an example of the best in flexible, modern healthcare facilities but has acted as a catalyst for regeneration and investment.

As one of the largest primary care centres in Britain, the £12 million, five storey building serves more than 16,000 patients, bringing together four GP practices, 12 NHS departments and space for a host of services, including audiology, dentistry and community nursing.

Designed following a process of careful consultation with patients and staff, the centre is an amalgamation of the skill, hard work and commitment of a number of public and private sector organisations. The landmark building not only serves as a gateway to West Bromwich but shows how a financially small project can trigger major changes, attacking the determinants of ill-health and kick-starting a £350 million regeneration scheme for the wider area.

Wintech’s scope of services included Concept Design, Detailed Design and Specification to Stage 4, Thermal Modelling and BRUKL & EPC reporting.