Wintech are committed to protecting the environment to ensure that we can all sustainably live within the natural limits of our planet. We will limit our damaging environmental impacts whilst addressing the needs of our workforce and society, and to enable future generations to meet theirs. We understand that at the forefront is the need to reduce carbon emissions, and to that end we aim to make this a priority.
As an organisation, we want to achieve the following:
Improve the sustainability of our practice by reducing the whole-life carbon emissions of our buildings and operations and all other detrimental impacts on the environment
Assist our clients in making improved design choices to reduce the whole-life carbon emissions of their buildings and eliminate their detrimental impacts on the environment
For each of our aims, we will achieve them by continually improving our environmental performance through our management system accredited to BS EN ISO 14001:2015 with the following objectives:
Wintech Objectives
Develop and implement a carbon reduction plan for the whole business, such as considering alternative transportation and alternative methods of working
Continue to reduce the operational carbon emissions of our head office building to achieve net zero
Reduce our environmental impact through recycling, sourcing, and use of sustainable and recycled office products
Reduce and eliminate waste within our organisation
Client Objectives
Collaborate with our clients and their design teams to comply with and exceed the requirements of current environmental legislation and codes of practice.
Carry out research into façade related processes and materials that have a reduced environmental impact, as well as addressing holistic performance requirements with a view to wider collaboration with our clients and other interested environmental organisations.
Specify and highlight opportunities for processes and materials that have a reduced environmental impact whilst also addressing holistic performance requirements.
Encourage and advise developers to reduce/reuse/recycle existing building fabric on refurbishment projects and to minimise waste and recover materials.
Actively promote a range of Building Engineering and Design services to minimise the environmental impact of both the production and operation of the built environment.
Continually review and implement a range of environmental standards within our specifications that encourage the use of environmental systems, processes, products, and standards, at little or no additional cost to our clients and to meet environmental and aspirational targets.